Assignment 3 - Pulau Kapas

Description on the individual link (Accommodation)

This individual link is created to introduce the accommodation or places to stay in Pulau Kapas to viewers. There will be some pictures of places and its purpose is to guide viewers when they come to Pulau Kapas . Descriptions for each place is also provided.

Objective of the link

The main objective of this link is to promote hotels,resorts and chalets in Pulau Kapas to the viewers especially foreign tourists because they love to travel around the world just to find a nice and comfortable place to stay and it has become a routine for them.Furthermore this link is created to promote Malaysia to the world so we can at least make one contribution for our country.

Design of GUI

This is the initial layout for my group's website. On the top of the left side, it will be our group logo. Beside the logo, it is my group's designed banner and other subtopic banners. There will be 6 buttons below the banner. Each button represents different links and each links will be design by our different member. So it gonna show out different style of our group member. Below the button, it will be the content. So when you click on the different button, it will show up different content. And the content will based on the subtopic present it out. The content will be presented with words, image, flash and video. Below the content, it is the signature of my group (copyrighted).

So this is the layout that i'm going to use as my individual site page (Accommodation). When the viewers click on the button of accommodation,this layout will be coming out. The top of the left side is our group logo. On the right,it will be the subtopic banner for each of the site page. Below the banner, it will be the button for other links. I'm going to put flash or video inside my individual site which is located at the left side of the content. The right side will be 3 button which are the name of places so stay. When viewers click on one of them,they will get more infos therefore they can choose which one of the 3 places they want to stay.Below the content, there will be always our group's signature (copyrighted). 

This is out flowchart of my individual site.


My Personal Website

Now i'm updating my personal website on this blog.It's been a long time since i updated my blog.So now it's time to get serious!

The 5 buttons for my site are :-

  • Home
  • Biography
  • Blog
  • Interest
  • Contact

I choose 5 red buttons and put texts on them .

First open Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and under Create New, click on HTML.Then Click on Site and then New Site. I changed the Site Name and change the Local Site Folder where my index is located.

Click Table and choose Rows:1 and Columns:1

I choose black wood background because it's comfortable to look at and its not messy .The banner is randomly chosen,i hope you'll like it xD

This is how my biography looks like .I linked it to Word.html.So it is why  it has plain white background :)

My Interest.

And lastly,my contact.
So that's all for assignment 2 project . I will update my blog for the next project .Coming soon.....
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