My Personal Website

Now i'm updating my personal website on this blog.It's been a long time since i updated my blog.So now it's time to get serious!

The 5 buttons for my site are :-

  • Home
  • Biography
  • Blog
  • Interest
  • Contact

I choose 5 red buttons and put texts on them .

First open Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and under Create New, click on HTML.Then Click on Site and then New Site. I changed the Site Name and change the Local Site Folder where my index is located.

Click Table and choose Rows:1 and Columns:1

I choose black wood background because it's comfortable to look at and its not messy .The banner is randomly chosen,i hope you'll like it xD

This is how my biography looks like .I linked it to Word.html.So it is why  it has plain white background :)

My Interest.

And lastly,my contact.
So that's all for assignment 2 project . I will update my blog for the next project .Coming soon.....


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