Assignment 3 - Using Dreamweaver

UPDATE : I will show you how I do the assignment 3 by using dreamweaver .There will be couple of steps taken in this process.

I'll be using this oval-shaped button in my page.

And this is the layout for my part.

As the first step,i put Text on the button and add some shadow on it 

Next,with using the same button and Text,i create another design for the Text.It looks nicer from the webview because when i hover the mouse over the Text,it will glow.To use this feature in dreamweaver,u just go to Insert > Image Objects > Rollover Image.

Now, i create one table and put the 3 buttons i've done earlier
and aligned it to the right .
This is how it looks when i click one of the button.
I also do some editing to the photos for each resorts.
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